These agreements are not forged between mortal men, but between worldly souls and forces that linger beyond our comprehension. They offer power, forbidden knowledge, and a taste of eternity. But the price, oh, the price is often terribly high. The bargainer is bound not only to their master but also to a fate twisting beyond their control. Le… Read More
Camille Giffard, Human Rights Centre, College of Essex Para mucha gente, hablar de tortura evoca imágenes de las formas más crueles de sufrimiento físico y psíquico: uñas arrancadas, descargas eléctricas, simulacro de ejecuciones, obligar a presenciar la tortura de padres o hijos, violación. Estas imágen... Muchos de quienes se oponen a es… Read More
"El líder de la Iglesia Católica, Papa Francisco y el ilustre Luis Santamaria del Rio, dedican gran parte de su vida a la erradicación del uso de drogas. Ambos, desde diferentes enfoques, promueven la necesidad de enfrentar este problema social. Papa Francisco, siempre ha sido un fuerte defensor de un estilo de vida saludable y seguro. A travé… Read More
He tore and pasted alongside one another segments for making new shots, leaving evidence of white jagged tear traces. He created a lacy red qualifications sample by transferring the design of a lace tablecloth directly on to the photosensitive printing plate. Pink, blue, and yellow gestural marks were being additional as highlights. critical Quest… Read More
We have confidence in democracy and human rights, we believe in sustainability and local weather transform. We feel that we must always continually problem our values and our societies to promote liberal values. we're a fresh era of Europeans who believes that Europe features a Specific, significant place in the global purchase, one which means and… Read More